Consensual for couples

Private retreat

During the Weekend

Welcome to a Private Couples Retreat!
‘ConSensual Introduction & Inspiration for Couples

We gather for a healing, loving and transforming journey, where we embrace and heal what has held us back and invite what we really want to live and have in our lives.

What To Experience...

There will be laughter, tears, stillness, creative exploration, dancing, sharing, healing, rituals, meditation, tantric techniques, yoga, relaxation and life force energy awakening….

Next Level For Your Relationship

Take your relationship to the next level. Learn sacred intimate rituals and expand the space of your heart. An invitation to awaken through alternative ways of connecting, to relate from truth, love, innocence, vulnerability and creativity.

"The weekend was magic! What Joyce and Danny give, is more than I expected or ever experienced. They have a listening heart, empathy, know what is truely needed in the moment and act accordingly. I could not have wished for a better partner weekend. Love you both."
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"I felt seen and acknowledged. I trusted and never felt pushed. There was a lot of variety and dedication. It was a special experience during which many doors have been opened. Lots of love."
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"Inspirerend, uitdagend en inzichtelijk groeien door ervaren en delen vanuit ervaring en verbondenheid. "
"We waren al een hecht koppel en zochten naar meer diepgang en verbondenheid. Tijdens deze retraite leerde ik om mij opnieuw te verbinden met mijn oerkracht en mijn kleurrijke energie. Danny & Joyce vertrekken vanuit hun eigen diepe verbinding en tonen ons welke basis er nodig is om hoge toppen te kunnen bereiken. Met veel liefde en toewijding werden we in de watten gelegd en gecoacht in ons transformatieproces. Dankjewel... voor de wijsheid, speelsheid en de inzichten die jullie ons gaven. Dankjewel voor het heerlijke eten en de zorgzaamheid waarmee jullie alles voor ons hebben voorbereid. Ik wens jullie veel succes!"

Next level for Your Intimate Relations

Are You Interested & Do You Like To Know More

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